Featured Webcams
Please CONTACT US if your company or organization would like to share, host or sponsor a webcam.

Stripers in the Light is a live feed of striped bass feeding on squid, mackerel, butterfish and herring in the cool light of the Green Blob from an underwater camera on the Verandah at Constitution Marina on Boston Harbor.

Live feed from the deck of the Verandah at Constitution Marina on Boston Harbor with spectacular sunrises, a great view of the North End and striped bass fishing at sunrise and sunset.

Live stream of Boston Harbor from Save the Harbor/Save the Bay's office on Boston's Fish Pier in the Seaport. Thanks to our friends at Boston and Maine Live and TheBostonWebcam.

Port Miami Webcam (since 2012) is a live streaming video broadcast produced by PTZtv in association with InterContinental Miami Hotel, Sling Broadband, and Marine Traffic.

Great live feed with a spectacular view of both South Beach and Government Cut at sunrise and sunset. Click the image to view the feed

The Coral City Camera is an underwater camera streaming live from an urban reef environment in Miami, Florida. It is located along the shoreline at the east end of PortMiami in about 9’ (3m) of water.

Ocean House Surf & Skate, Located at The Tides restaurant, Nahant Beach, MA

Thank you for enjoying our New River Live Feed. At this time, we are unable to add sound to the stream or adjust the camera settings.

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