Enjoy a Birds Eye View
One of the best way's to get to know your way around Boston Harbor is from the top of a tall building near the water's edge.
You might also enjoy the extensive selection of antique maps of Boston Harbor from as far back as 1651 from the Norman B. Leventhal collection on view at the Boston Harbor Hotel.
Or you can view Boston Harbor on Google Earth
There are also some great rooftop pools, bars and restaurants, which you can find [here]
Customs House Tower Observation Deck
Great views and free tours at 2PM (except Fridays)
Call 617-310–6300 for reservations
Near the New England Aquarium [Map]
Independence Wharf Observation Deck
Great view and free tours from 10am-5pm.
Be sure to bring a photo ID.
Located on the Fort Point Channel [Map]
Bunker Hill Monument
Closed due to Covid 19 restrictions. is curated by Boston’s BayWatcher Bruce Berman. He has lived, worked and played on Boston Harbor, the waterfront and the Boston Harbor Islands for more than 30 years.
You can find him on the Verandah at Constitution Marina on Boston Harbor or follow below. is curated by Boston’s BayWatcher Bruce Berman. He has lived, worked and played on Boston Harbor, the waterfront and the Boston Harbor Islands for more than 30 years.
You can find him on the Verandah at Constitution Marina on Boston Harbor or follow below.
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